First appointment

Your first appointment will include a physical examination and an interview to establish the basis of your current condition. You will be advised of the proposed treatment programme before we commence treatment. So we can assess and treat your elbow, make sure you are wearing a shirt that can expose your upper limb. Depending on your presentation, we might need to assess your shoulder and cervical spine.

Before the first appointment, you will receive an email containing a link to a consent form and questionnaire. You will need to complete them to be able to attend the appointment. The information will be utilised to determine whether we are the right providers for your problem and to obtain critical information for a successful rehabilitation and timeframes estimation.

Our therapist will discuss likely treatment outcomes and timeframes with you as the programme progresses.

If you are unable to attend your appointment or you are unavoidably delayed, please let us know as soon as possible. Three hours notice of cancellation is required, otherwise a cancellation fee ($35) may be payable.

Satisfaction survey

We value your feedback and will strive to provide you with the best care we can. All clients will receive a satisfaction survey one month after their first appointment. If you haven't received the email or you have forgotten to complete it, please click on the button below. Data collected is anonymous and will help us provide a service that satisfies more than 80% of our clients.

On going questionnaires

To track your progress and make sure that our interventions are having an effect, we ask you to complete a questionnaire at three follow-up points. You will receive a questionnaire at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. This on-going quality control will make sure that we achieve a significant improvement in more than 80% of our clients.

How to find us


We deliver our services in Mr Adam Durrant's rooms, which are located at Ascot Office Park, Level 3, Building C, 95 Ascot Avenue, Remuera. If you come to the reception area you will see a note suggesting you to take a seat. When we are ready, we will come and greet you.


We deliver our services in the Hibiscus Coast Medical Centre. If you come to the reception area you can let reception know you arrived and take a seat. When we are ready, we will come and greet you.